
It's just a zipper...right??

Keisha's school picture grade 2!
No, in my world it's not just a zipper...every morning for the past month or so I have been fighting with Keisha about doing up her zipper, not that she doesn't want it done up, she won't do it up on her own..which to me is extremely frustrating considering she used to "know how" to do it before! All of a sudden she won't do it and stands there expecting me to do it for her, of course I refuse and I am not sure she completely understands what I am saying because she just mimics every little move I do..if I point, she points, that kind of thing...grrrrr...So it's not like I can just let her leave the house in the cold with her coat undone, what kind of mother would I be? But seriously!!! Why won't she just do up the stupid zipper so we can get on with our day??? She used to at least say "help" or her version of it which I understood and helped her but now she won't do that either! Ok..I don't usually rant on here so I am going to stop now..thanks for reading ha ha..

Last night Keisha was dancing around and Jaxon was sitting in his highchair laughing at her, I asked him "Is Keisha funny?" and he said Keisha and laughed some more!! He said Keisha a few times..right up until I grabbed the camera that is..of course! Both these kids crack me up, and sometimes drive me crazy...but I guess that's what makes me "mom" and I wouldn't trade either of them for the world!

Jaxon with one of  his many funny faces!

Jaxon has just cut tooth number 6! Thank you to a very special person for sending me the miracle necklace, You would hardly know he was teething at all!
He looks so cute with little teeth :)



I forgot to post about Halloween! Well Jaxon was Pooh Bear and Keisha was a Lion, We went to a Halloween dance at Keisha's school and it was very cute to see all the kids dressed up, and the kids had fun :) On Halloween night we went trick-or-treating, Keisha did well but kept trying to go in every house we went to..ha ha..cried a couple of times but got over it quickly. Jaxon was sleepy and wouldn't smile for anyone..but he was the cutest Pooh Bear ever!


Keisha turns 8!!

On November 5th 2011 Keisha turned 8! We had a party for her in our home :)

It was wonderful, I invited 5 girls from her class only 2 made it to the party..plus Lily and Sam, our friends kids. I was very excited to finally meet one girl in particular, Willow, this girls name comes up all the time in Keisha's book from school that tells us what Keisha did that day at school..almost everyday it says she played with Willow, almost everyday I pull a hand drawn picture out of Keisha's book bag that says - To K. Love W - This Kid is adorable! We also had the pleasure of Mia coming to the party, another awesome little girl! Her and Willow are so good with Keisha that it warms my heart to see them together..I have to say that I think they will all be friends for a very long time!

Lily, Willow Keisha and Mia
Decorating their own party hats!

Mia and Willow helped Keisha with hers :)
Mia, Keisha, and Willow! Three very beautiful princesses!!
When it was all over Keisha was still smiling! She had a great time and I am so happy that she enjoyed herself so much :)

She hugged the girls when they came, and hugged them again when they left.

She was the most beautiful princess I have ever seen!

A very surprising visit :)

Mid October we received a call from Allen's father, Danny, while Allen was speaking with him on the phone he asks "how would you like some company for a week?" Allen of course asks me, and I of course say "Absolutely!". Danny had never been to Nova Scotia before and had never even met Keisha before, we were thrilled to be having him come down. He told Allen he would get back to him with the details, well the next day I checked our email to find the flight details saying he would be here in 3 days! Wow...

Danny was here for almost a week, and it was great :) Allen was so happy to have him here, and so was I. The kids loved him, and took to him right away, and I knew they would.

He even helped my parents with their house project, didn't even hesitate to pick up a shovel...now I know where Allen gets his incredible work ethic.