
Cooking Gluten Free

Keisha has Celiacs disease, which means she can't have gluten.
I have been having fun experimenting with some Gluten Free recipes for Keisha, and so far so good..I have made Popovers, which are amazing!

And Pancakes that I found kinda on the dry side, Keisha likes them, I'll modify the recipe next time...

And Banana Muffins..also amazing :)

There quite a few recipes I want to try now that Keisha will try new things. People ask me all the time "if she can't have gluten or wheat, isn't it hard to feed her?" the answer is no. There are plenty of gluten free foods available and are getting cheaper. We also have Keisha on a casein and yeast free diet (casein is a protein in dairy products) because I have personally done a lot of research online and in every book about Autism that I can get my hands on, and they all say that casein and yeast affect them in negative ways. I asked Allen if we could try it with Keisha and he agreed, so far we can see a big difference in her she is far less moody and aggressive. Keisha, before this, would eat up to 6 gluten free buns with at least 1 slice of cheese on each a day! Not to mention the 2 or more minigo yogurt she was also eating a day! Those buns have yeast and casein in them, not good :(  So I went researching again and found a recipe for buns that had no yeast and I switched out the cow's milk for almond milk like I do with every other recipe :)
I have also noticed that since she doesn't have those "toxins" in her system she is more willing to try new foods, she now eats just about anything when she's home, and I mostly cook gluten free. It's much easier than making 2 different meals and maybe a little healthier for all of us ;)

Example of supper - Pork roast, steamed broccoli & cauliflower, green and yellow beans and basmati rice.
As you can see, she enjoys it :)

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