
It feels like home...

I am in love with this house, the only thing that makes me sad is we are only renting it :(
I would buy this house in a heartbeat! It is the kind of house you want to raise your children in, and eventually grow old in. It has history and a story to tell, the person who owns this house grew up in this house, his father grew up in this house. It is beautiful inside and out!
I am happy that we have a yard for our kids to play in. Happy that I don't have to carry heavy groceries up 3 flights of stairs to our apartment anymore. The kids both have their own rooms and Allen and I don't have to share a room with Jaxon anymore :)
There are 2 other houses in the same drive way (more like a small road) one directly behind us, and one at the very end which we can barely see. I am home most of the time with the kids and hardly ever see anyone from those two houses except when the owner, who lives in the house at the end, when he or his son mow the grass. On both sides of us there are fields of carrots, across the road is a field of corn. There is a beautiful view of Blomidon from our deck and you can clearly see the stars at night
The view from our deck, carrot field - trees - Blomidon

The front yard

The kids love it here, Keisha has a bigger room than she's ever had.
 Jaxon has lots of room to "crawl" around :)
Keisha has been in the trees in the front yard.
Allen gets to be a big kid and play with them with no worry of other people to watch out for no worries of the kids getting to close to the road.

Well it may not be ours to keep but for now it's home :)

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