
Our fun filled weekend!

So this past weekend we kept Keisha with us (she usually goes to her mother's on the weekends) and we all went to visit some friends on Saturday that were camping in a campground in Annapolis called Dunromin. It's a nice place, Allen and I camped with them last year, I decided that camping with a 7 month old and Keisha wouldn't be my idea of a good time so we didn't go this year. Visiting was good enough for me and the kids :) they both got to cool off in the pool that is there, and of course Keisha loved that, to my surprise so did Jaxon! He was kicking and splashing all with a big smile on his face!
Keisha is "miss independent" in the water and actually freaks out if one of us touches her. I don't know why, because neither of us has ever done anything to make her not trust us in the water. The only thing I can think of is she doesn't want us to make her get out..ha ha. She truly is a water baby though, you will never see her happier than at a beach or in a pool.

On Sunday we went to Upper Clements Park! We had a blast! Keisha behaved very well and I am so proud of her. The only time we had a problem with her was the water slide...we waited in the line for quite a while and had a plan, Allen would go down first and wait to get Keisha when she went down then I would go down...Well that didn't work at all, Allen went down and waited, but Keisha wouldn't go down, and that meant I didn't get to go down either, so Keisha and I walked back down the stairs and I went down later by myself.
She is usually a thrill child so I don't know what scared her about the water slide, but she went on the Flume and the roller coaster :)

This is after they came down and splashed!

I am not one for roller coasters and it's not something that Jaxon could do, so him and I went to the little kiddie pool while Allen and Keisha went on the roller coaster, He of course loved it. There was a little girl there that took a liking to Jaxon and came over and started talking to us. She couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 years old, so cute. She says " I can walk on my knees in the water." I said "You can?" She says "Yup". Then she says "I have a baby brother" I asked her how old he is and she says "I can't remember" I laugh. She starts talking to Jaxon and making noises for him and he goes crazy laughing and kicking and splashing her, it was adorable! I think he wants Keisha to pay attention to him like that, she tries to I think, but it's not her thing.

I took Jaxon on a kiddie truck ride. Him and I sat in the back and Keisha drove :)

I can't wait for next year when Jaxon will understand better what rides are all about :) Although he had some serious interest in the steering wheel, drives like his daddy, one hand on the wheel :)

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