
Sorry for the wait..

With Keisha going back to school and our routine changing around here I haven't had the time to Blog...So I am going to try to sum everything up in this one..ha ha.

Keisha transitioned very well into her new school, she seems to really like it there :) As well as the after school program she is attending at the Appletree landing daycare which is two doors down from the school. She has made a few new friends at school and daycare. 

First day of school

Jaxon is now working on his third tooth! Actually crawls and is pulling himself up on everything :) He amazes me every single day with his ability to learn and his determination to do things..even when he shouldn't be :) He has learned to turn the TV off for example ..ha ha. (not good)

Two teeth on the bottom :)

Getting at the TV

That's how the kids are doing except the chicken pox scare with Keisha..turned out it wasn't..very thankful for that! Jaxon did have an eye infection, which was not good..but he has been taking his meds and is much better now :)
Allen continues to work his butt off..and I am still at home doing the cleaning, cooking and baking :)
We hosted Thanksgiving dinner for my family..about 20 + people..it went well and had lots of room for everyone, the weather was beautiful so everyone mostly stayed outside before and after dinner.

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